Globes - bodies
Public Commission, Molde High School.
Glass outer wall at main entrance, aula and canteen area.
Ceramic ink printed and burned on glass combined with color laminated glass.
The motives are bodies in different scales - from microscopic organisms, via details of the human body, to the moon circling around the earth. All the motives are digitally processed and presented in approximately in the same size, related to the size of the human body.
The glass is produced at Modum Glassindustrier and and consists of glass panels printed with ceramic ink burned into the glass surface and laminated with colored foil.
The panels are mounted by the building contractor and integrated in the facade of the building.
From the building site.
Test printing at Modum Glassindustrier
Test printing at Modum Glassindustrier
Referanse 2
Public Commission, Borgund Sports hall, Ålesund. The art work is made in cooperation with Britt Sorte.
Ceramic ink printed and burned on glass.
The motives are photos of small grains of pollen from trees in the area, such as birch, alder and hazel, which are digitally processed and magnified. We "draw" a line on the surface of the window glass with these microscopic organic objects, but that also can associate with sports, movement and activity.
We thank the Department of Biology at the University of Bergen for access to photographic source material.
The glass is produced at Modum Glassindustrier and and consists of glass panels printed with ceramic ink burned into the glass surface.
Public commission, Borgund High School Bt3, Ålesund, main entrance and walking area. The commission is supported by Koro and is a collaborative project with Britt Sorte.
Ceramic ink printed and burned on glass combined with color laminated glass.
The glass is produced at Modum Glassindustrier and and consists of glass panels where colored foil is laminated in the glass, combined with ceramic ink printed and burnt into glass surface.
Forløp med print og farget folie. Frøkapsler og frukter fra Dagny Tande Lieds illustrasjoner til Norsk Flora 1984. Med tillatelse fra Botanisk Muesum, Oslo.
Verket består av en romlig komposisjon av kunstnerisk bearbeidete glassfelt. Forelegget er bearbeidet digitalt og printet på glass i en industriell prosess. Elementene er ordnet slik at verket som helhet tar rommets volum i besittelse - både i lengdeutstrekning og høyde - og vil oppleves samtidig både nært og på avstand fra ulike posisjoner etter hvert som man beveger seg i rommet.