About my work

I live and work on the west coast of Norway, in a rural fjord landscape, surrounded by air and water. Living in these peripheral environments, far from the active urban life yet in the middle of the world, has to a large extent influenced my work. I am interested in the correlation between man and nature, and the vulnerability of the species and the whole environment. 

In my art works I study geographical and topographical shapes and landscapes, human anatomy, different organic structures and bodies. I see these topics free of scientific and objective limitations. The main intent for me has been to investigate and reveal unseen and surprising similarities between life forms and shapes at different levels. I am curious about the visual patterns that occur in these assemblies or meetings. 

I wish to open for questions and reflection related to our existence in the world.



Reflections on the art of Anne Sara Loe - Anne Karin Jortveit

“The state of emergency in which we live is not the exception, but the rule.” Walter Benjamin

A circular shape. Dark, but transparent. Radiant, yet cryptic even so. Shadows, murky spots, and organic lines meandering over a glass surface. At one moment concave, at the next convex. As if the hard, static surface were pulsating right in front of our eyes. And the unifying point of origin for all this: a tiny, almost faded core, both vulnerable and sheltered, deep within the two-dimensional picture. The perfect circle brings forth something recognisable, and remains mysterious. Perhaps we think of it as a microorganism of some kind or other, enlarged to a scale more amenable to the human gaze. But at the same time other associations emerge. All at once we’re on a journey into the body, as if heading to a place behind the eyeball, and no less suddenly we’re on our way out into infinite space, as if it were the indistinct image of a nameless planet we were looking at. We sense the fragility of the thing in front of us. Although it seems there and then to elude articulation, it won’t let go and begins to affect us from within. -

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- tanker om Anne Sara Loes kunst - Anne Karin Jortveit

“The state of emergency in which we live is not the exception, but the rule.” Walter Benjamin

En sirkelrund form. Mørk, men transparent. Gjennomlyst, men hemmelig likevel. Skygger, duse flekker og organiske buktende linjer over en glassflate. I det ene øyeblikket konkav, i det neste konveks. Som om den harde og statiske flaten formidler en puls foran øynene på oss. Og det samlende og utvidende punktet for dette: En liten, nærmest blass kjerne, både eksponert og beskyttet langt der inne i det todimensjonale bildet. Den perfekte sirkelen bringer fram noe gjenkjennelig, og forblir mystisk. Kanskje tenker vi at dette er en mikroorganisme av et eller annet slag, blåst opp for å kunne møte det menneskelige blikk. Men i det samme kobles andre assosiasjoner til. Med ett er vi på en reise inn i kroppen, som om vi skal til et sted bak øyeeplet, og like plutselig er vi på vei ut i det uendelige verdensrommet, som om vi står overfor et dunkelt bilde av en planet uten navn. Vi kjenner på skjørheten vi står overfor. Kanskje vi der og da ikke kan språkliggjøre dette, men det gir ikke slipp og begynner å virke i oss. -

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Tove Lande, kurator, kunsthistoriker, Kunstmuseet Kube, Ålesund

Kunstmuseet KUBE 24.04 – 24.05 2010, Anne Sara Loe, "ornamentale konstruksjoner"

 – Naturen er en viktig inspirasjonskilde i Anne Sara Loes kunstneriske univers. Det gjelder også for denne utstillingen. Med sine studier av menneskets gjennomlyste anatomi og andre biologiske former, kan verkene virke som en videreføring av renessansekunstnernes naturvitenskapelige tilnærming til kunsten. Likevel er Loe godt plassert innenfor samtidskunstens rammer. Dette gjelder både med hensyn til de digitale teknikkene hun anvender, så vel som måten hun forholder seg til motiv og tematikk på.  -

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Variations in form - Anja Johansen, Babel Art Space, Trondheim

March 23 – April 1, 2007

Anne Sara Loe “t i d”
Takashi Mitsui “Story of the module 12,5”

 - In the works of Anne Sara Loe, her fascination with form appears in several ways. She gets her inspiration from nature; from past and present life forms; and from germs that carry within them the potential for future life. She uses images she finds in periodicals and professional literature, or which she obtains from botanists and medical doctors. These may be x-ray- or MR images of animals and human beings, as well as microscopic images of grains of pollen, algae, etc., which are processed further in photoshop. The subjects of her images may give associations from the immense to the minuscule world of nature. The artist refers to the works as a kind of digital paintings, in the sense that she works with electronic layers: with filters, adjustments, colors. -

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